I'm finally back!
It seems like the longest time since my last post! I'm back with what I like to think of as a little photo diary and condensed review of my trip to Kos, one of Greece's most incredible islands.
It's definitely safe to say that I haven't done a whole lot over the past ten days...but they were ten of the most refreshing and wonderful days I've had in a while. It was so nice to finally go away without the stresses of revision, deadlines and the stresses of student life constantly in the back of my mind.
To summarise: I drank a lot of lemonade, relaxed a lot and applied factor 50 for the remainder of the time!
I feel as though the lengthy break I've had from normal life has really increased my motivation to do things at home - I was in that weird period between finishing my exams and going away and found myself feeling, well, slightly underwhelmed. That's the only way I can describe how I felt; the break away made me want to get on with things I had procrastinated beforehand. This is mostly down to being unable to get on with certain things on holiday that I would be able to do at home.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this; I think everyone needs change to motivate them. All the pressure of feeling as though I had to be blogging went away, simply because I wasn't able to. Which gave me time to think up some more content! So stay tuned :)
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